· Nature Lover Collection ·

This hand­bag is per­fect for the sum­mer.
It is super light, fancy and whim­si­cal, and will be the per­fect spe­cial touch for your out­fits.
It has a prac­ti­cal inside pocket and a but­ton to keep it closed.

The fab­ric has been hand stamped by me with screen print­ing inks with stamps I have carved myself. Half of it is also hand sewn.
The strap is cot­ton rope and the inside is high qual­ity felt.

Size: 23x14cm aprox.
9x5.5 inches aprox.
Avail­able HERE
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· More stamps ·

As I said the other day, I can’t stop carv­ing stamps and stamp­ing them every­where!
This cute lit­tle guy’s name is Sey­mour. You can see below the por­trait I drew of him a cou­ple of months ago.
Have a nice day! ^_______^
Como dije el otro día, no puedo parar de hacer sel­los y estam­par­los por todas partes! Este chico tan sim­pático se llama Sey­mour, y bajo podéis ver el retrato que hice de él hace un par de meses.
Feliz martes! ^_______^

seymour seymour

· Stamps ·

This week­end has been a stamp­ing crazi­ness! :)
Can’t stop! It’s addic­tive…
Este fin de sem­ana ha sido una locura haciendo sel­los y estam­pando. :)
No puedo parar! Es adic­tivo…
6 5 4 3 2 1

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