· Last week 4 ·

… accord­ing to my insta­gram
· 17 to 23 feb­ru­ary ·
(fol­low me on insta­gram here)

· New pages of my sketch­book
sketch17 sketch18

· I am work­ing on a new series of ACEO’s. This is the first one. I have only done 2 so far. Don’t know when I will be able to fin­ish them because I am super busy with com­mis­sions. I will let you know!  ACEOOO1

· I needed a break from paint­ing, so I made my first attempt at weav­ing. It’s full of mis­takes, but it’s funny and relax­ing… I will try again for sure! ☺️  weaving

· Beach+friends=perfect day

· Last week · 3

… accord­ing to my insta­gram
· 10 to 16 feb­ru­ary ·
(fol­low me on insta­gram here)

· New pages of my sketch­book
sketch16 sketch15b sketch15 sketch14 sketch13

· I rearranged one of my tables with the wine wood boxes I used to have hanged on the wall. I loooove it!!! But I know that most of the things will never be in their place… Hahaha I also put some art on the wall

· Last week · 1

… accord­ing to my insta­gram
· 27 jan­u­ary to 2 feb­ru­ary ·
(fol­low me on insta­gram here)

· New pages of my sketch­book
sketch6 sketch7 sketch8 sketch9

· Per­son­al­ized name made under com­mis­sion.
(send me an email to hola@gusososland.com if inter­ested and I will give you more info)


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